On Friday 23 Sep 2011 13:58:22 Michael Mol wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 7:42 AM, Jonas de Buhr <jonas.de.b...@gmx.net> 
> >>What I'd like to do is drop the stage3 and Portage snapshots onto the
> >>ISO before burning, but I've never done anything with mastering
> >>bootable discs. Could someone provide me with some pointers?
> >>
> > http://lmgtfy.com/?q=build+your+own+live+cd+gentoo
> Not so useful, thanks. Google fails me regularly. Personalized
> searches are getting to be a real sore spot for me; not just mine, but
> those of people pointing me at Google assuming my searches for the
> same keywords will get the same results. Particular grating is when
> someone sends me a link to a search, then the link to what I was
> looking for, and says something like "first hit". My first *page*
> didn't even have that link on it.
> /rant

This is because Google uses geo-targeting to determine what results you may be 
interested in (assuming your geo-location from your IP address), and 

because of the Google data centre that you are getting connected to (updates 
of search results and their ranking is not instantaneous across the globe), 

because if you are logged in to Google (mail, et al) your search history will 
bias the results you may receive, and

because recent searches (whether logged in or not) are cached and will affect 
what you're getting served.

People searching for pubs in the UK are bound to get different results to 
people searching for pubs in Australia.

Of course if you want to search for pubs in Australia while you are browsing 
from the UK things are going to get tricky ...

In such cases you want to add:

The location in the search results:  e.g. pubs + Australia (to filter the UK 
Google results for Australian pubs), or go to www.google.au and then search 
from there for pubs (Australian Google results for pubs).  There could be 
other more sophisticated ways but can't recall them off hand.

Now, if someone sends you a non-lmgtfy.com link you can look at the Google TLD 
to determine the country the results are from and search accordingly.

> > SCNR :P
> shortcircuit:12@serenity~
> Fri Sep 23 08:44 AM
> !501 #1 j0 ?0 $ wtf is scnr
> SCNR: sorry, could not resist
> Ah.
> > alternatively you could use catalyst:
> > http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/releng/catalyst/
> > 
> > or you just mount the iso, modify it, run mkisofs on it and burn it.
> > the mkisofs options you are looking for are -b and -c.
> I knew there was going to be something I wasn't going to know, and it
> looks like the values passed to -b and -c are it.
> I don't want to build a CD from scratch (and doing so looks like it
> would require setting up a fully "generic" box to build). I just want
> to add two files to an existing ISO.
> How would I extract boot_catalog and eltorito_boot_image from an existing
> ISO?

Mount the ISO with loopback and then navigate into it as a normal fs:

# mkdir /mnt/iso
# mount -o loop LiveCD.iso /mnt/iso
# ls -la /mnt/iso
# cp /mnt/iso/some_file

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