On Sep 23, 2011 9:42 PM, "Jonas de Buhr" <jonas.de.b...@gmx.net> wrote:
> >> http://lmgtfy.com/?q=build+your+own+live+cd+gentoo
> >
> >Not so useful, thanks. Google fails me regularly. Personalized
> >searches are getting to be a real sore spot for me; not just mine, but
> >those of people pointing me at Google assuming my searches for the
> >same keywords will get the same results. Particular grating is when
> >someone sends me a link to a search, then the link to what I was
> >looking for, and says something like "first hit". My first *page*
> >didn't even have that link on it.
> well... i didn't know if it was ok to post links to unofficial gentoo
> resources on this list which is why i went with the search.

Well, IMHO the principle here is:

"If you're not against us, then you're our ally."

(That is, unofficial sites are okay. In fact, unavoidable since the official
sites have the additional burden of having to be bug-free and/or thoroughly


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