On Oct 4, 2011 8:41 PM, "Mark Knecht" <markkne...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've got a 2 year old Gentoo machine that got patched together using a
> lot of small hard drives which worked fine for what I used the machine
> for 2-3 years ago but the machine isn't getting used much anymore. The
> processor, memory & MB are all reasonably good - i5-661 & 4GB  - but
> my laptop & VM compute server are both faster - so I was wondering
> what I might do with the box. I saw a Wired article last night about a
> guy building a NAS box using Debian which got me thinking. I've got a
> bunch of 1TB Green drives which would make a good base for storage so
> there's no cost in doing this, but I don't know anything about network
> attached storage that just works out of the box with Windows clients
> and I have NO desire (or time) to spend learning stuff that's very
> Windows specific.
> If there is a good solution for me it needs to support both Win XP and
> Win 7 machine and shouldn't require anything be added to the Windows
> VM.
> Years ago I tried this basic guide:
> http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/quick-samba-howto.xml
> I don't remember why but I didn't have much luck with it. However it's
> been updated and cleaned up a lot so maybe it's OK.
> Thanks in advance for any ideas.

If you want to rebuild it totally, why not go the simpler route of
installing 'soft appliances' like FreeNAS, OpenFiler, or Nexenta?


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