On Sun, 15 Jan 2012 12:54:51 -0500
"Walter Dnes" <waltd...@waltdnes.org> wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 06:30:03AM -0500, Tanstaafl wrote
> > This is nothing like changing the port for SSH - a port scanner can 
> > figure that one out in seconds...
>   A real BOFH would set up a dummy instance of sshd on the regular
> port, as well as a real sshd instance on another port.  The dummy
> instance could be set up to always fail the login attempt, and with
> special iptable rules to not clutter up your logfile.

Actually a real sysadmin[1] would run ssh standardly plus OSSEC with
active rules and dynamically block our Chinese friends 

[1] "real sysadmin" being defined as the quintessentially lazy dude who
is really not into causing himself pain or doing anything that would
increase support tickets in his inbox

Alan McKinnnon

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