On Mon, Jan 16, 2012 at 08:23:33AM +0700, Pandu Poluan wrote

> That depends on who are authorized to access the boxen via SSH. In my case,
> only the IT Division is authorized to access them via SSH, so the "real
> sysadmin" in me (g) decides it is much easier to shift the port rather than
> implementing esoteric hardening stuffs ;-)
> Plus, I get the benefit of ridiculing any IT guy/gal who managed to get
> him-/herself locked out (thanks to the auto-blacklist) B-)

  The opposite of auto-blacklisting is port-knocking.  Think of it as
auto-unblacklisting, where the world is blacklisted by default.  See...


  The idea is that your external service is blocked to everybody by
default.  When an external IP address "knocks" in sequence on the right
3 ports (specified in iptables), it is then allowed a few seconds to
establish a connection (ssh/ftp/whatever).

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>

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