On Wed, 11 Jan 2012 17:08:04 -0500
Michael Mol <mike...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm seriously unconvinced that concatenating words significantly
> increases the difficulty of the problem. Just as a mentalist will
> presume you're thinking about '7', your average demographic would
> probably draw from a small pool of source words, even latching on to
> catchphrases and other memes. You're likely to see
> "steamingmonkeypile", "nyanyanyan", "dontsaycandleja-" and
> "hasturhasturhast-" used more than once, for example. I'd give a
> better list of likely results, but I don't want to run too far afoul
> of good taste in public posting. :)

I agree. Longer pass{words,phrases} only increases the difficulty of
the problem, but not significantly so.

Alan McKinnnon

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