Mick wrote:

> If you speak to adobe, they'll say no.
> If you speak to apple they'll say yes.
> Mobile devices have mostly moved away from flash.  Youtube already serves 
> html5 videos, if only as a trial:
>   http://www.youtube.com/html5
> Unless flash provides something that html5 or other code (e.g. JavaScript, 
> CSS, etc.) can't, I think flash is on its slow way out.

That's the way I understood the articles I was reading as well.  I seems
HTML5 is fairly powerful and rich in features.  Read that as, you can
watch videos, show gif, jpegs and such and have other animated thingys.

I would also add, I bet it is going to be more secure too.  From what I
have read on this list and the notices I get from the US Government
alerts, Adobe Flash is about the most insecure thing there is.  The only
thing that may beat it is windoze 95.  ROFL

I read about Youtube and it's testing.  I have not tried it on a
permanent basis but I did do a one session test a while back.  I
couldn't SEE any difference.  I think that is a good thing myself.  I'm
not sure what all changes there was tho.  It may not make enough of a
difference for me to notice, yet.

Here's to hoping HTML5 gets rid of flash, sooner the better.

Thanks for the info and the fix.


:-)  :-)

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