Am 26.05.2012 22:28, schrieb Dale:
> Jarry wrote:
>> On 26-May-12 22:01, Dale wrote:
>>> Jarry wrote:
>>>> after updating baselayout from 2.0.3 to 2.1-r1 /run is mounted
>>>> as tmpfs. But I can not find any mount-option for controlling
>>>> how much memory is (or could be) used for it.
>>>> Filesystem     1K-blocks    Used Available Use% Mounted on
>>>> tmpfs            8223848     224   8223624   1% /run
>>>> I know it does not use 8GB right now, yet I'd like to reduce
>>>> it to some lower value, not half of my physical memory.
>>>> How can I do it? Can I simply add line in fstab like:
>>>> none /run tmpfs size=128m 0 0         ???
>>>> Jarry
>>> Holy smoke !  Mine is doing the same thing.
>>> tmpfs                   7.9G  260K  7.9G   1% /run
>>> But I also have this:
>>> tmpfs                   7.9G     0  7.9G   0% /var/tmp/portage
>>> So, between those two, I could run out of ram since I have 16Gbs.
>>> There is now TWO people that needs a answer to this question.  Why does
>>> it need that much anyway?  It looks to me like a few hundred Mbs, like
>>> Jarry posted, would be plenty.  Jeepers creepers.  lol
>>> Dale
>> I suppose default size for tmpfs is half of physical memory,
>> if it is not configured somewhere else.
>> BTW, is there any way to turn this great feature off?
>> What is it good for? I do not see any advantage in having
>> /run on tmpfs...
>> Jarry
> I had no idea it was doing this either until your post.  I got the same
> questions as you do.  Why is it there?  Why so much is allocated to it?
>  Where can we change the settings for this questionable "feature"?
> I'm hoping someone will come along and answer both our questions.  I'm
> really hoping for a place we can change the settings.  I don't mind it
> being there so much if it is useful.   I would like to know its purpose
> tho.

As Michael Mol already said, tmpfs for the run dir is not a bad thing,
it, it does not eat all your ram :)
I however have a different question: Why do we need a new /run when we
already have /var/run. There's no mention of /run in the FHS either.
I only see udev stuff under /run - So it's another crazy udev thing? :)

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