On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 1:05 AM, Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Howdy,
> It appears that grub2 is coming soon.  Thread on -dev said a couple
> months or so till it hits the tree, keyworded and/or masked I'm sure.  I
> guess it is about time to jump off the cliff and give this a try.  I
> installed Kubuntu on a system for my brother and it uses grub2.  I have
> had to edit the config and then run the update script.  I have sort of
> installed and made a config change to grub2, even tho it was only once.
> Basically, I sort of seen the thing at least.  o_O
> My first question is, how hard is this to change from old grub to
> grub2?  I only run Gentoo here, no windoze at all and no other distro
> either.  I figure that may make it easier.  I must confess tho, I'm a
> hoarder of kernels.  LOL   I generally have several versions of them on
> here.  Is there a way for it to only see say the last 3 versions or so?
> I only have three right now but I cleaned out all the non-init kernels a
> while back.  Given time, I may have a dozen or so.  I would rather not
> have that many lines on the grub screen when booting.
> Also, will it know what init thingy image to connect the kernels too?  I
> name my kernels with the version and name the init thingy with a similar
> name.  Looks someting like this:
> root@fireball / # ls -al /boot/bzImage-3.*
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4740064 May 16 20:25 /boot/bzImage-3.3.5-2
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4758496 May 23 13:09 /boot/bzImage-3.4.0-1
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4758816 Jun 14 09:00 /boot/bzImage-3.4.2.r1-1
> root@fireball / # ls -al /boot/initramfs-3.*
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3560934 May 12 05:03 /boot/initramfs-3.3.5-1.img
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3560423 May 23 13:10 /boot/initramfs-3.4.0.img
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3561170 Jun 14 09:05 /boot/initramfs-3.4.2.img
> root@fireball / #
> There are times when I may have more than one kernel but only one init
> thingy tho.  So far, one init thingy will work with any kernel of that
> version.  I have not tried mixing tho.
> Also, how much disk space does grub take up on /boot?  Mine is on a
> separate partition and I hope it is large enough.
> Thoughts.  Info.
> Thanks in advance.

Thanks for "announcing" this Dale. grub-2.00 is in ~arch as of last night.

Given your current naming scheme, grub2-mkconfig will not detect your
kernels. They must be named vmlinuz-version or kernel-version. For


Your initramfs files look good.

Space wise, grub needs a couple hundred sectors after your MBR to
embed itself. If you used the default fdisk setting when you
partitioned your drive, you should have 2047 free sectors that it can

If you have your kernels named properly and some free sectors on your
hard drive, setting up grub:2 is a very easy process. See the wiki
page for more info.


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