Hi all,
I did an "emerge -NuD world", it nearly finished, 2 or 3 big files to go, when I decided it was bed time. I killed the build and went to bed. This morning I can't now fire up Konsole, which I use as my terminal, XTerm or UXTerm.

In more detail, I get the Konsole window, the menu is there and I can open other tabs etc, but instead of the command prompt, I just get a small grey blob in the top left hand corner. Hitting return does not get me any carriage returns.

XTerm gives me the bouncing icon next to the cursor for a period of time then disappears.

        UXTerm gives me a small window with the message:

"uxterm tried unsuccessfully to use locale en_US.UTF-8 by setting $LC_CTYPE to "en_US.UTF-8.

and that's all. I hit the OK button on the window and it all disappears.

Last night Konsole was fine, I did the emerge through it, but now nothing. I didn't do revded-rebuild or etc-update as I usually do after a world emerge.

Does anyone know what's wrong and how I can get out of this bind. Something without having to resorting to rescue disks would be good but if all else fails.....

        Thanks for any thoughts,

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