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I also migrated my gentoo thinkpad to systemd today.

Generally very similar to my desktop ... ~amd64 with Gnome 3.6.

Things went pretty well, I have to say.

I can login to gdm here! ;-)

An issue I haven't solved yet: encrypted swap.

I always get timeouts as systemd waits for the decrypted mapper-device
to come up. Swap doesn't get enabled but when it finally continues to
boot I see the valid mapper-device there and can "swapon" it manually.

# cat /etc/crypttab

swap /dev/disk/by-id/ata-INTEL_SSDSA2M080G2GC_CVPO015404LR080JGN-part5
/dev/urandom swap,cipher=aes-cbc-essiv:sha256,size=256

# grep swap /etc/fstab
/dev/mapper/swap        none    swap    defaults        0 0

AFAI understand these 2 lines should be enough to let systemd generate
its relevant unit-files etc.


Best regards, have a nice weekend, Stefan

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