On Sun, 2013-04-21 at 12:56 -0400, Tanstaafl wrote:
> Yes I can't take snapshots with ESXi, but everything I've read says
> that 
> for these to be consistent, they need to be done when the VM is
> shutdown.
> Also, they take a LONG time, whereas an LVM snapshot happens almost 
> immediately.

This reveals a significant advantage to using LVM, if you wish to use
snapshots as the target for backups. I personally prefer this, as I
mentioned in another e-mail in this thread, due to getting a "crash
consistent" view of the disk since it will not change while the backup
is in progress. The fact that LVM snapshots happen instantly is an
advantage, and also that you can perform the snapshots while the system
is running.

Randy Barlow

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