On 26/04/2013 10:50, Mark David Dumlao wrote:
>> "It does no harm and might be useful for some" is simply not a valid
>> > reason to enforce a package on all users, especially when said package
>> > is the latest johnny-come-lately from a wunderkind with a proven
>> > reputation for writing invasive code[1]
> Oh dear. I should've realized what this was really about. There aren't
> really any technical reasons behind this, are there? Just some good
> old fashioned Lennart hate boners.
> I have a perfect halloween campfire story for this group. The one
> where a malicious udev update gives a backdoor for He Who Must Not Be
> Named to install his LennartWare onto yor systems...

You missed the mark completely and your bias appears to be showing.

You have no idea what I might consider this to be "really about". And
it's highly presumptuous of you to make the assumption you did.

Alan McKinnon

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