Tanstaafl wrote:
> On 2013-05-10 7:09 AM, Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm with ya Alan.  Update tho.  I use LVM.  I use grub2 since a week or
>> so ago.  That's a lot for me.
> So, how was  the switch? Uneventful? The more I read, and once I
> learned you could still use a monolithic config file, the less this
> looks like a big deal...

If you are referring to LVM.  Once I got the commands and the steps
right, it was pretty darn easy.  I have increased the size of things a
few times with no issues.  It may blow up on me one day but so far, it
is neat.  I have not reduced one yet but need to.  I just haven't had
the time really.  If you have more than one drive or find yourself
having to move things around due to one partition needing room or having
to much room, LVM is really neat. 

If you are referring to grub2.  I found a Gentoo wiki page that shows
how to chain load both grubs.  What it does is leave old grub there.  In
the menu for old grub, which loads first, you select to chain load
grub2.  If grub2 works fine, then you can remove the old grub.  If it
doesn't work, then you use the old grub to boot with.  Honestly, it
wasn't bad at all.  I don't recall even having a single issue getting
the OS to load.  I stuck a script with the command for updating grub2 in
my /root directory.  It has the longer command to update with the
options and such.  My only issue right now is that I can't get the
memtest thing to work and don't have enough space on /boot for
sysrescue.  The biggest thing, I got to pick a time to switch that was
convenient for me.  In my opinion, grub2 is stable enough for most
likely any setup that supports it. 

If you need a link to the wiki, I got it bookmarked somewhere.  Let me
know and I'll go find it. 


:-)  :-) 

I am only responsible for what I said ... Not for what you understood or how 
you interpreted my words!

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