On 09/29/2013 01:55 PM, William Hubbs wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 29, 2013 at 01:55:49PM -0400, Tanstaafl wrote:
>> On 2013-09-28 6:36 PM, Alan McKinnon <alan.mckin...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> So this brings us back to the essential technical problem that still
>>> needs to be solved on your machines:
>>> /usr needs to be available (and not only for BT keyboards) at the
>>> earliest possible opportunity - this is a technical constraint. To
>>> guarantee that, you need to either merge /usr with /, or use an
>>> initramfs to guarantee that /usr is available before anything else
>>> happens in userland.
>>> It*really*  is that simple. If you have a better solution than my last
>>> two choices, then I am all ears.
>> Ok, and if this is all true, I can accept it.
> Alan, this is a very good summary of the issues involved. Everyone on
> the list should go and read flameeyes' blog post then this summary.
> Tanstaaf,
> I am the OpenRC author/maintainer and a member of base-system. I can
> tell you that we are not discussing forcing systemd on everyone in
> Gentoo Linux as a default init system. I can also tell you that I am not
> aware of the Gentoo systemd team discussing this. Even if they were, a
> distro-wide change like this would have to be brought before the
> Council.
> William

I understand Gentoo has a much more structured way of making decisions
like systemd, but perhaps you aren't the best person to assuage fears. I
say this not because of anything you do, but your position. Arch Linux
used their sysvinit maintainer to calm fears of users before their
switch to systemd. I'm not saying that you are trying to do this at all,
but rather being OpenRC maintainer doesn't add much in the way of
credibility of your stance. Everything else (the lack of discussion on
it, the fact that the Council would have to vote on it) are much better
logical support for systemd not being forced.

I'm not sure if you knew about what happened with Arch, so I just
figured I'd point it out. I and others who switched from Arch to Gentoo
over the systemd debacle still remember the false promises (from the
sysvinit maintainer) that systemd won't be forced, when it was. So one's
position can't really be trusted, regardless of how much I and others
appreciate the work that goes into OpenRC.

No offense is intended, by the way. Just adding some context. I hope you

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