On Oct 21, 2013 7:01 PM, "Tanstaafl" <tansta...@libertytrek.org> wrote:
> On 2013-10-21 6:48 AM, Mark David Dumlao <madum...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Again. This power is overstated and overtrusted. As for "rip it out at
>> its roots" he has no ability to do that, only refuse to merge it in
>> his tree.
> Which I believe is a much bigger deal than you seem to think.
>> But that's only if he bothers to read it. With all the other
>> stuff he's working on, he signs off less commits than all the other
>> maintainers do.
> <sigh> irrelevant, because I was talking about something that was
discovered *after* it was merged... obviously, if something is merged that
creates a problem (or loud complaints, or whatever), at *that* point he
will certainly take the time to 'read it' and decide if there is anything
to it...

Read the management style doc. Seriously, it describes the kernel's outlook
on mistakes.

Ostracization and talk of severing limbs like cancer tumors, as is often
brought up by tinfoilers here, is not how it works. Code talks. Bad, hard
to maintain code is its own insult.

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