On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 5:55 PM, Tanstaafl <tansta...@libertytrek.org> wrote:
> On 2013-10-20 9:14 PM, Mark David Dumlao <madum...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Linus isnt actually actively developing the kernel nowadays. Mostly he
>> just merges commits from his "trusted lieutenants" in charge of various
>> subsystems. The notion of Linus as being at the helm is mostly just a
>> convenient fiction that corporate culture (and by extension, the media)
>> - which is used to "strong leadership" - uses to make sense of open
>> source development.
> I know all that, but he does have the final word on merges still, right?
> Which is the most important aspect of the point at hand...

I doubt he actually has the time to read every line of code submitted
to the kernel, being that in 2008, it was running at 6000+ lines /
changes per day and it's only gotten faster.

Again, most of kernel development is very largely self-organizing.
There are of course, rally points around some personalities, but it's
an exaggeration of trust to rely on Linus to be the gatekeeper for
political decisions. Especially since he famously dislikes getting
involved in politics.


tldr: if the maintainer of some subsystem agrees, it's probably in. It
takes a lot of trust to get to become a maintainer.

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