On 2014-01-16 4:35 PM, Jarry <mr.ja...@gmail.com> wrote:
On 16-Jan-14 22:17, Daniel Frey wrote:

Yes, the guest shutdown seems to still be working. I've tested both
manual (i.e. asking for a guest shutdown) and it works, and I've set up
my APC ups to shutdown the host and all VMs, again all working. If
you're interested in the howtos for the APC shutdown I think I have a
bookmark around somewhere.

BTW if all you want is safe shutdown, it can be done even without
vm-tools (which I personally do not like at all). In vSphere-client
I have "suspend" instead of shutdown (current state with memory
snapshot is saved), from ESXi you'd have to play a little with
/sbin/shutdown.sh script (i.e. with ssh/keys to log into all VM
and shut them down),

No desire to use this - my only concern is safe shutdown of gentoo guests (other VMs are Windows Servers that can natively be safely shut down).

and for power-interruption you can use NUT (which I find better than
apcupsd or PowerChute, because there is native NUT-client for

Excellent. Is there any kind of docs on getting this working on both the host and the gentoo VMs?

apart from apcupsd you can use NUT (which I find better, there is
native ESXi-client).

I'm VERY interested in this option, Jarry...

One major reason is open-vm-tools requires modules to be enabled in the kernel, and .

But... does NUT require modules? Or can I just compile in whatever I need? I generally have always run my servers without modules enabled (I know that open-vm-tools requires modules to be enabled), for security purposes (one less thing to worry about).

I know that NUT has full support for my UPS's (Powerware 9125's), so I'm hoping modules are not required. Even if they are, I'd still rather use NUT than the open-vm-tools.

I would appreciate any doc pointers, or other additional information, if you are so inclined.


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