On 2014-01-17 11:57 AM, Daniel Frey <djqf...@gmail.com> wrote:
On 01/17/2014 05:10 AM, Tanstaafl wrote:
>One major reason is open-vm-tools requires modules to be enabled in the
>kernel, and .
>But... does NUT require modules? Or can I just compile in whatever I
>need? I generally have always run my servers without modules enabled (I
>know that open-vm-tools requires modules to be enabled), for security
>purposes (one less thing to worry about).
open-vm-tools also requires fuse, FYI. VMWare does have a lot of kernel
options in 3.10.25, which is what I upgraded the virtual machines to.
The only module that wasn't in the kernel was vmblock.

Coming back to this now...

Is there a list of all kernel modules that need to be installed for open-vm-tools?

I found an old wiki archive article discussing installing open-vm-tools:


but it is based on the 2.6.x kernel series, so I'd really like to find some decent instructions for modern kernels.

I'm on 3.10.17 now, but am in the process of updating to 3.10.25 for open-vm-tools support.

Maybe I'm over-complicating this (not uncommon for me) again...

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