Hello list,

James's recent thread on grub2 with several kernels prompted me to have
another play with grub2.

I followed the grub2 migration guide[1] up to and including where it says "At
this point you should reboot your machine and select GRUB2 Chainload." I did
that and found I was offered only one kernel, and something about advanced
options, which I couldn't make head nor tail of. That one kernel did boot ok,
but when I rebooted again into grub legacy and booted the same kernel my
volume groups had not started. One more reboot fixed that.

Now, my question is how to have grub2 offer me a choice of kernels from all
those that are present in /boot (a separate ext2 partition). Not only that,
but pass different softlevel selectors to them. Here's my grub.conf to
illustrate what I mean:

# Boot menu configuration file - Grub-legacy

root (hd0,0)
timeout 10
default 1
fallback 4
color white/blue black/light-gray
splashimage /grub/splash.xpm.gz

title GRUB2 Chainload
        kernel /boot/grub/i386-pc/core.img

title=Gentoo Linux 3.10.25
        kernel /boot/kernel-x86_64-3.10.25-gentoo root=/dev/md5 net.ifnames=0

title=Gentoo Linux 3.10.25, no X
        kernel /boot/kernel-x86_64-3.10.25-gentoo root=/dev/md5 softlevel=no-x 

title=Gentoo Linux 3.10.25, no network
        kernel /boot/kernel-x86_64-3.10.25-gentoo root=/dev/md5 
softlevel=no-net net.ifnames=0

title=Gentoo Linux 3.10.17
        kernel /boot/kernel-x86_64-3.10.17-gentoo root=/dev/md5 net.ifnames=0

title=Gentoo Linux 3.10.17, no X
        kernel /boot/kernel-x86_64-3.10.17-gentoo root=/dev/md5 softlevel=no-x 

title=Gentoo Linux 3.10.17, no network
        kernel /boot/kernel-x86_64-3.10.17-gentoo root=/dev/md5 
softlevel=no-net net.ifnames=0

        kernel /boot/memtest86plus/memtest86+-4.20.bin

title=Rescue System 3.8.13
        kernel /boot/kernel-x86_64-3.8.13-gentoo-rescue root=/dev/sda8 

title=Rescue System 3.10.7-r1
        kernel /boot/kernel-x86_64-3.10.7-r1-gentoo-rescue root=/dev/sda8 

I've been operating this way for years and maintained the kernel versions
manually. That was not a lot of work, with the help of some elementary bash-
ing and copy&pasting, and I don't want the flexibility of boot options thrown 
away by switching to a supposedly better grub.

Any ideas anyone?

[1] https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/GRUB2_Migration


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