On Tue, 28 Jan 2014 20:21:33 +0000 (UTC), Martin Vaeth wrote:

> Neil Bothwick <n...@digimed.co.uk> wrote:
> >
> > I haven't used tmux for a while, I tried it and went back to screen,
> > but does it really show the titles of all sessions?
> On the hardstatus line you see in tmux all sessions
> with their numbers and "their" hardstatus line.

Maybe it's time to give tmux another go, but you won't get me away from
tabs :)

> > Screen only shows the current one.
> In tmux the hardstatus line is enabled by default.
> In screen you need to enable it.  Of course, I forgot how I did
> this many years ago, but I suppose that the following two lines
> in my screenrc are responsible:
> hardstatus alwayslastline
> hardstatus string "%{= kg}%-Lw%{+b gy}%50>%n*%f %t%{-}%+Lw%<"

Yes, that is annoying, as is screen's use of Ctrl-A, which is why I
always add this to /etc/screenrc

escape ^bB
# Set the caption on the bottom line
caption always "%{= kw}%-w%{= BW}%n %t%{-}%+w %-= @%H - %LD %d %LM - %c"

Neil Bothwick

Politicians are like nappies
Both should be changed regularly, and for the same reason

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