Walter Dnes <waltdnes <at>> writes:

>   I went all the way to ICEWM; see my sig.

It's been a log time for me with minimal Window Managers. I'm sure
I'll get around to testing icewm.

>   In your bash profile (if you use bash), howsabout
> export PS1='[\h][\u][\w]'

>   Actually, I go for a fancy "technicolour prompt"
> export
> PS1='[\[\033[01;32m\]\h\[\033[00m\]][\[\033[01;34m\]\u\
> [\033[00m\]][\[\033[01;36m\]\w\[\033[00m\]]'
>   Either way, the host name shows up at the beginning of the prompt.

I like to see the IP addresses of the systems I've sshd into. I work on a
myriad of embedded and small systems, so IP addresses works best for me.
I'll look at what you have suggested. I'm looking for a default window tab
option, like kconsole has, so that when I ssh into a system, it puts the IP
adress into the tab, as the singular most important piece of information I
want in that window tab's name field. The current dir on the target
is also useful, but of optional secondary importance.

I've read many of your postings and questions round the net on your minimal
efforts. Most ideas and solutions that work on one configuration, will work
on other minimal setups, imho. I think when I'm done, I'm going to put
something up that bridges going from lxde-meta installed, to a feature rich,
fast minimal environment. Maybe a list of ebuilds to install  and all those
little config files and scripts too. After the bugs are worked out, I might
even roll it into an ebuild for a few folks to test via layman. 
All you need is an 'old box', to join in the fun.....

Purposefully so all (many)  of these little tricks are aggregated and
documented, in one place, for a first starting point for folks new to going
minimal (lxde-meta).  The gentoo wiki is my preferred home, but it might not
fly there (will see).  One stop shopping for a first, feature rich minimal
configuration, or that's my thinking anyway. 

Arch linux has inspired me as to what user community documentaion can and
should be; but I want docs gentoo specific. Not to imply that is the only
way, but a fast, cool first way to minimize the time from ditching KDE to
mininal environment happiness (fast and cool).

Your input will be greatly appreciated, as will input from other like minded
individuals. So anyone can post here(new thread) or email me privately a
list of ebuilds and config file they think ought to be in this little (fast
and cool) conversion offering. 

Thanks Walter,

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