Maybe you should check your grub2 chkconfig whether 
it is OK, especially the "real_init"  filed.
Suggest if failed again, re-emerge dbus and systemd???

;-) I am a new comer...


Thanks & Best Regards.

陶治江 | TAO Zhijiang
研发处 | SOHO国际产品线
Tel: 3129
Mobile: 18938910923
Email:   taozhijiang@tp-link.{net,}

发件人: Gmail 
发送时间: 2014-07-14  22:17:57 
收件人: gentoo-user 
主题: [gentoo-user] kernel bug? 
Hi, i've upgraded kernel from 3.12.13 to 3.12.20.
I've make a oldconfig as usual, but with new kernel the boot blocks at 
the begining to the ramdisk loading.
I've tried with other 3.12.2x with the same negative results.
I use grub2 with systemd.

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