Yes, genkernel-next should be used. look at the install gentoo gnome with 
systemd from 
scratch ( Sorry for currently I can not access Internet so can not provide your 
I have test genkernel-next with systemd (needed by GNOME 3.12), all seems OK, 
kernel version 3.15。
But now I am using KDE 4.13 with openRC on ZFS。systemd sometimes makes things 
strange, I switched to KDE, all seems well currently.  


Thanks & Best Regards.

陶治江 | TAO Zhijiang
研发处 | SOHO国际产品线
Tel: 3129
Mobile: 18938910923
Email:   taozhijiang@tp-link.{net,}

发件人: Jc_García 
发送时间: 2014-07-16  05:26:08 
收件人: gentoo-user 
主题: Re: [gentoo-user] kernel bug? 
2014-07-15 9:38 GMT-06:00 Gmail <>:
> My /usr partition in on the / partition.
> I just use initrd, i've compiled kernel with genkernel.
> I'm trying to look row for row if there's some diff.
Are you using genkernel also to generate a the initramfs? for booting
systemd this is not supported by genkernel(tthat's is pointed in the
systemd instalation guide in the wiki), you should be using either
sys-kernel/genkernel-next, or sys-kernel/dracut(this has been the most
widely recommended on this list).

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