Bruce Schultz <brulzki <at>> writes:

>>>     emerge --depclean -p

case (1)
> >EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS="--exclude gentoo-sources  @dev-java " 
NOw this is strange. Today it only wants to delete a few packages:

All selected packages: =dev-lang/vala-0.26.2 =dev-java/junit-4.11
=dev-java/jmock-1.1.0-r2 =dev-java/qdox-1.12-r1 =dev-lang/vala-0.24.0-r1
=dev-java/jna-3.4.0 =dev-java/hamcrest-generator-1.3-r1
=dev-java/cglib-2.0.2-r2 =dev-java/byaccj-1.15-r1 =dev-lang/vala-0.20.1
=dev-java/swing-layout-1.0.4 =dev-java/javahelp-2.0.05_p63
=dev-java/hamcrest-core-1.3 =dev-java/jflex-1.4.3

Most are in the dev-java set. So I renames the set to DEVjava; same result.

case (2)
> I'm thinking something like the following might work
> EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS="--exclude \"gentoo-sources  @DEVjava\" " 

emerge: error: Invalid Atom(s) in --exclude parameter: '@DEVjava' (only
package names and slot atoms (with wildcards) allowed)

case (3)
I dropped the gentoo-sources to focus in on using a set rulI think it is
closer. This one specifically fails:

EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS="--exclude  \" @DEVjava\"  " 

same error message, so it does not like the set.

case (4)
EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS="--exclude  \"DEVjava\"  " 

This did not fail, but it give the big list, including the packages
listed in the set DEVjava

So this message seems to be telling me that sets are not supported,
back from when the lower-case, non-hyphenated syntax was tested:

emerge: error: Invalid Atom(s) in --exclude parameter: '@dev-java/*' (only
package names and slot atoms (with wildcards) allowed)

Any other ideas or comments are welcome.


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