I now booted from a recent sysresccd ... and it didn't assemble/detect
the LVM-PV ... *sigh*

So I couldn't even mount the LV to chroot in there.

The mdadm-RAID-devices were there and active.

I didn't want to screw around with the LVM too much as there is data on
there (yes, there are backups, but ...).

pvscan always told me something like:

No device found for PV hMMm0m-w4Ds-SU77-ATjF-iF1A-0qfq-V2IcXb


When I boot into Suse again, it shows up fine:

# pvdisplay
  --- Physical volume ---
  PV Name               /dev/md3
  VG Name               VG01
  PV Size               4,09 TB / not usable 4,00 TB
  Allocatable           yes
  PE Size (KByte)       4096
  Total PE              1072103
  Free PE               242919
  Allocated PE          829184
  PV UUID               hMMm0m-w4Ds-SU77-ATjF-iF1A-0qfq-V2IcXb

Do I hit some compatibility-issue?


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