On 11/07/15 01:18, Marc Joliet wrote:
Am Fri, 10 Jul 2015 20:39:05 +0300
schrieb Nikos Chantziaras <rea...@gmail.com>:

On 10/07/15 18:00, Gevisz wrote:
bindkey '^[[7~' beginning-of-line                   # Home (xterm)
bindkey '^[[8~'  end-of-line                        # End (xterm)

lol... are these guys serious?

It's 2015...

What's wrong with C-a and C-e?  On my keyboard they're not any more cumbersome
than reaching for Home/End (probably a bit less cumbersome in fact).

Pressing two keys at the same time with the same hand is not good. It just feels awkward. I have special keys for that. They should be used.

Also, word-based navigation doesn't either. Ctrl+left or ctrl+right, for example.

I guess the lack of good defaults kills this shell. I really don't have time to learn arcane settings anymore. If it doesn't work out of the box on what represents 99.99999999% of machines, I'll have to pass and wonder "what were they thinking?"

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