I've been running XFCE for many, many years, and I was perfectly happy
with it until 4.11 came out.  Support for multiple displays[1] was
broken in xfdesktop by a commit made in 2013. It's been broken ever
since, and there doesn't appear to be any intention of fixing it.

About a year ago, when 4.12 went stable, I had to block it to avoid
this bug.  I've been running 4.10 ever since, but the ebuild for 4.10
just got pruned, so it's probably time to start thinking about
switching to a different desktop.

Would anybody care to make a recommendation?

The requirements are:

  * simple and lightweight

  * support for multiple displays[1]

  * support for multiple virtual desktops on each display (I
    currently run 4 virtual desktops on each of 3 displays)

  * must have focus-follows mouse and must be able disable

  * some sort of easily modifiable root-window menu that I can use to
    start apps

  * some sort of task-bar (auto-hide required)

  * some sort toolbar OK (as long as it's auto-hide)

  * GTK-based strongly preferred -- I typically don't have Qt or any
    KDE stuff installed, and have some custom-written GTK apps on
    which I'm rather dependent.

  * I don't want a file manager, terminal emulator, or any other
    bundled apps, so it would be nice if they were all optional,
    separate ebuilds

I don't want any storage auto-mounter, network manager, modem manager,
or any of that sort of thing.  Anything with "manager" in the name is
probably right out.

All I want is something to run urxvt terminals and xemacs windows --
with maybe an instance of firefox, chrome, or wireshark.  I also
occasionally run libreoffice or xfreerdp, but only under duress.

I don't want any icons or folders or shortcuts or whatnot on the

I don't even need the ability to use an image as my desktop
"wallpaper": all I want is a user-configurable sold color.

When I'm moving/resizing a window, all I want to see is a wireframe --
I don't need a window's contents being re-rendered constantly as I
move or resize it.

No fancy animation or translucency silliness.

[1] I'm referring to separate X11 displays/desktops, not a single
    logical display spread across multiple physical monitors.

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! FROZEN ENTREES may
                                  at               be flung by members of
                              gmail.com            opposing SWANSON SECTS ...

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