On 2016-09-24, David Haller <gen...@dhaller.de> wrote:
> Hello,
> On Fri, 23 Sep 2016, Grant Edwards wrote:
>>Would anybody care to make a recommendation?
> Ever checked out WindowMaker (x11-wm/windowmaker)? The default config
> is quite clunky though, but there's many themes and stuff.

I think I tried once upon a time (back when I was looking for a fvwm
replacement and ended up switching to XFCE).

> But I'm not sure what you mean by root-window menu / task-bar /
> toolbar.

You got it right.

>>I don't want any storage auto-mounter, network manager, modem manager,
>>or any of that sort of thing.  Anything with "manager" in the name is
>>probably right out.
> Neither do I :) As well as most anything with "Kit".

Back in the SunOS/Solaris days, it was anything ending in "tool".

> But no fear, you need to do that only once, I did that in IIRC 2002 or
> so with WMaker 0.65 and never touched that config ever again. I think
> there was once some feature renamed or so, but you get that with
> xemacs/mutt/tin as well.
> So, IMO it's should be worth a look. But _do_ have a look through the
> config-tool at the options (like the focus and moving stuff) and
> ignore the UI-look, that can be tuned a lot, the default is rather
> boring (but functional).

Thanks, I'll add WindowMaker to the list.

> Apart from that: LXDE comes to mind.

That too.


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