On Sunday 18 December 2016 00:36:15 Heiko Baums wrote:
> Am 18.12.2016 um 00:23 schrieb Andrej Rode:
> > For reference did you try to write an init script for a piece of
> > software in SysVInit, systemd and OpenRC to be able to compare them?
> Yes, at least I had to read a lot of them. And init scripts are really a
> lot easier to write and read than such a systemd service file,

Personally, I find OpenRC scripts and systemd unit files comparable, at least 
in my limited experience with writing OpenRC init scripts.  When people 
compare systemd unit files to init scripts, they usually mean *raw* (LSB?) 
sysvinit scripts (as IIUC Debian use{s,d}), with all of their ridiculous 
amounts of boilerplate.  OpenRC-style scripts, if done the modern, declarative 
way (which I have), are also fairly easy to read and write.  But then you're 
almost writing them like systemd units: mostly setting a bunch of variables 
that say *what* you want, not *how* you want it (you know, declarative), see 

(Of course OpenRC is not the only alternative, but I don't know enough about 
others to be able to comment on them.)

> particularly you can separate the configuration to another file while
> you need to copy the whole service file to another place in which it
> won't be updated by the package manager if a new version would be released.

That is incorrect, systemd allows for overriding files in 
/etc/systemd/system/${unit_name}.d/*.conf.  Furthermore, service units can 
read environment variables from a file via EnvironmentFile.  Although I'll 
grant you that AFAIK there's no convention for where place for them.

I'm not convinced that you actually understand systemd particularly well.  It 
seems to me that if you want to develop an informed opinion about it, you 

a) Read the official documentation (don't just rely on what others say; even 
when well-intentioned, people can say stupid things).

b) Try to set up and/or run a systemd-based system, and seriously try to grok 
it.  Only then will you be able to compare it to other init systems properly.

I did a variation on (b) and migrated one of my systems to systemd, just so I 
could see what it was like.  Up until then I had only read about how "anti-
Unix" and "bloated" and "evil" etc. systemd was by one side, and how "super 
duper awesome" it was from another side, thus I was very cautious at first.  
Quite frankly, in retrospect I suspect that that divide in opinion is what 
really compelled me to try it for myself.  And that first-hand experience was 
very important, because I was able to learn for myself the good and bad of 
systemd.  In the end, for me, personally, it turned out that there was more 
good than bad, so I stuck with it.

> Heiko Baums

Marc Joliet
"People who think they know everything really annoy those of us who know we
don't" - Bjarne Stroustrup

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