On Tue, Dec 20, 2016 at 11:33 AM, Heiko Baums <li...@baums-on-web.de> wrote:
> Am 19.12.2016 um 15:52 schrieb Marc Joliet:
>> That is incorrect, systemd allows for overriding files in
>> /etc/systemd/system/${unit_name}.d/*.conf.
> Then this is very new.

They've been supported for quite a while (Mar 2013):

Before then the most straightforward solution was to override the
entire unit, which was hardly difficult.  There is a systemd utility
for helping you see what files might be able to removed from /etc in
favor of distro-supplied ones as they become available.

>> Furthermore, service units can
>> read environment variables from a file via EnvironmentFile.
> Initscripts can do the same.

Obviously.  The claim was made that systemd units can't take
configuration from an outside file and had to be directly modified.
The point was just that this was incorrect.

>> I'm not convinced that you actually understand systemd particularly well.  It
>> seems to me that if you want to develop an informed opinion about it, you
>> should:
> You don't need to be convinced. It's sufficient that I know systemd
> pretty well from the beginning when the Poettering fanboys of Arch Linux
> forced this crap onto the Arch Linux users, while they regularly were
> telling that they don't force it onto their users, that it will be only
> optional.

Clearly nobody forced you to run it, because you aren't running it
now.  And if you wanted to run openrc on Arch you certainly could.
Nobody will help you do it, but it certainly can be done.  I'm not
sure what the point of that would be, since the whole point of a
distribution is to share the workload of doing stuff like that with
people who are like-minded, and since you clearly disagree with the
Arch developers on this issue then it probably makes more sense to do
your own thing.

The beauty of FOSS is that you have the source, so you can make it
into whatever you want to be.  How do you think we got openrc working
on Gentoo in the first place?

Nobody is going to waste their time trying to convince you that
systemd is better than anything else, because in the end your opinion
doesn't actually affect us.  People who prefer systemd will maintain
it, and people who prefer openrc will maintain that, and we can all be


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