Alan McKinnon wrote:
> On 26/01/2017 17:35, Peter Humphrey wrote:
>> (Sent via webmail while I continue wrestling with KMail...)
>> Alan McKinnon <> wrote :
>>> Does explicitly emerging gdbus-codegen-2.50.2 then re-running a world
>>> emerge give a different result?
>> peak ~ # emerj -1 =gdbus-codegen-2.50.2
>> Calculating dependencies  ... done!
>> emerge: there are no ebuilds to satisfy "=gdbus-codegen-2.50.2".
>> peak ~ # eix -e gdbus-codegen
>> [I] dev-util/gdbus-codegen
>>      Available versions:  2.44.1 2.46.2 2.48.2 (~)2.50.0 (~)2.50.1 (~)2.50.2 
>> {PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 python3_4 python3_5"}
>>      Installed versions:  2.50.2(18:06:24 
>> 10/01/17)(PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 python3_4 -python3_5")
>>      Homepage:  
>>      Description:         GDBus code and documentation generator
>> Something's screwed up here. I ran eclean-dist this morning and it listed 
>> 90-odd packages with versions not in the database, which was not true. 
>> Running eix-update again made no difference.
>> I'm considering building a new system, but amd64 instead of ~amd64. I only 
>> set the latter when this was a new box and too many packages needed to be 
>> the ~ versions to be manageable otherwise.
> Somethng has gone wrong with your installation of portage or your copy
> of the tree - that "no ebuilds" message is impossible.
> It will probably be a cruel task to track down exactly what is wrong, my
> intuition says something in a local cache somewhere. Might be easiest
> just to delete all portage data (*except* /var/db/pkg), download a new
> tree tarball and let portage sort itself out

That's my thinking as well.  I recall not long ago that I caught a bad
sync..  It was several days later that I was able to get a good one and
even then, it required me to switch to another mirror.  I think in my
case, someone decided to shut down that mirror but for some reason, only
removed some of the files there.  Some very obvious packages were
missing.  I noticed several KDE packages and even some that are in
@system missing. 

OP.  From my emerge --info:

sync-uri: rsync:// 

That one worked just the other day.  You may want to try it.  Also,
emerge-webrsync may be a option after trying another mirror.  Also, if
you change the mirror, you may want to use mirrorselect -r -i or you can
change it manually.  I'm pretty sure it is changed in gentoo-conf in
this path:  /etc/portage/repos.conf/. 


:-)  :-) 

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