Alan Grimes wrote:
> Dale wrote:
>> Dale wrote:
>> This is something I have noticed that changed since the gcc upgrade. 
>> One, Firefox seems to use less memory.  It's not a whole lot less but it
>> is less for sure.  It also uses a lot less CPU power.  Used to if I had
>> two or three Firefox profiles running, I could see 20, 30 and sometimes
>> even more CPU usage.  Gkrellm would have a good bit of orange and the
>> little needle thing would be hovering around 30 to 40% on all the cores
>> with it spiking to well over 50% quite a lot.  Closing Firefox would put
>> it down to single digits so I know it was Firefox causing this.  Now,
>> with 4 instances running, it is hovering around 10 to 15%. 
> Yeah, I monitor GCC changelogs closely...
> A while back they were talking about their new code de-duplication pass
> and how, as an example, in Firefox it removed over 30,000 duplicate
> functions...
> I really don't know what's going on over at the mozilla project these
> days. I still use Seamonkey because it has all my e-mails but its
> performance is fantastically awful these days.

I use Seamonkey for email and related things too.  I use Firefox for
some other things, it has more add-ons than Seamonkey.  To me, it seems
as if Seamonkey is not getting the attention it used to.  It's not lean
and mean, it's fat and slow.  I'm not sure what makes it so tho.

I'm glad Firefox is better tho.  Makes me wonder about the next gcc.  o_O 


:-)  :-) 

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