J. Roeleveld wrote:
> On December 20, 2018 4:41:26 AM UTC, Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>     Howdy,
>     I just installed a new video card.  After a couple weeks of USPS
>     dragging it around, it finally came in.  Anyway, I got it installed and
>     was booting up.  I noticed somewhere between the kernel part and it
>     going through the runlevel part, there was something that failed.  I saw
>     a little red colored text and the word failed but I found one bad thing
>     about a really fast CPU.  It scrolls by so fast, I can't tell what it
>     is.  It is almost a blur when it scrolls up.  It's not a service because
>     rc-status shows all green.  I'm not sure that lists everything tho since
>     it seems a little light on the number of services. 
>     At some point way back, I recall there being a logger that picks up the
>     area between when dmesg is logging and when syslog or friends start
>     logging to the message file.  I think this is where the error is.  I
>     can't find tool now.  I also can't find anything else in /var/log
>     either.  Am I wrong on having this or did it die off in the tree and got
>     removed?  If so, is there something that picks up that area of the boot
>     up process as far as errors go?  My system seems to work fine but I'd
>     like to know what that error was.  It may cause a problem at some point
>     and could even be the problem with that random reboot I had in another
>     thread. 
>     Thanks.
>     Dale
>     :-)  :-) 
>     P. S.  I did reseat all the power cables to the mobo while I was
>     swapping video cards.  Hoping that may help with that weird reboot thing
>     I had going on.  BTW, it hasn't happened since the one I started the
>     thread about either.  Weird. 
> In "rc.conf" there is an option to log to /var/log/rc.log or similar.
> Not near a working system, so can't check actual option.
> --
> Joost
> -- 
> Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity. 

That gave me the clue I needed.  I was looking for a package.  No wonder
I couldn't find it.  It was disabled in rc.conf for some reason and
based on the last date of the log file, it has been for a while, which
is why I thought something got cleaned out or something.  I now have
this set:

# NOTE: Linux systems require the devfs service to be started before
# logging can take place and as such cannot log the sysinit runlevel.

# Through rc_log_path you can specify a custom log file.
# The default value is: /var/log/rc.log

Thanks for the help.  When I boot next time, maybe it will log the error
and I can see what is going on. 


:-)  :-) 

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