Mick wrote:
> On Saturday, 27 April 2019 17:28:05 BST Dale wrote:
>> Mick wrote:
>>> Printers are plug 'n play these days.  There is no manual configuration
>>> needed, unless your PCs and/or router configurations do not use
>>> zeroconf/mDNS.
>> Well, I could access it thorough its web interface but it wouldn't
>> print.  It would say it couldn't find it or something.  After I set up
>> cups as shown below, it printed.  The biggest thing I did different was
>> to put in the IP instead of letting it auto-detect the printer.  In the
>> past, my old HP printers tended to be auto-detected pretty well.  I
>> would just click continue and when done, out came the test page.  This
>> one took a little extra to get it printing. 
> The web interface for the printer should provide some control panel GUI to 
> administer it from, using your browser.  It should show usage stats, how much 
> toner is left, etc.  It should also (hopefully) have a menu to set up admin 
> passwd on.  This is not an interface for you to print with.

Yea, I did cut off the wi-fi part.  It wanted to "reboot", so windowsish
isn't it, so I hadn't turned off the SNMP thingy yet.  My sis-n-law's
expansion tank busted so I'm back and forth working on that thing.  I'm
not quite sure yet how I'm going to get the new tank in much less the
old tank out.  I'm pondering that problem. lol  If I get the new one in,
the old one may have to reside on the back of the water heater until it
is time to remove the water heater, no time soon I hope.  The new tank
is a little smaller but rated for what she has.  I'll be praying on one
hand and speaking French on the other, unless it all goes well.  ;-)

>> I've printed several recipes so far and it is printing fine so I guess
>> this is *a* proper way to have it set up. 
> ipp is of course a proper way to print, since the printer is offering this 
> protocol.  It may offer additional protocols/ports to print with, but you 
> found what works anyway.  I sometimes use nmap to find open ports/services/
> protocols a printer uses, but each will require a different URI syntax in 

So I got lucky and found the correct way to print.  LOL  That's a
first.  :/ 

>>> Regarding your modem, unless it is NAT-ing fully, like a router would, it
>>> will expose your router to the Internet.  In any case, your router will
>>> isolate WAN-LAN from probing eyes with its NAT - so you should be safe
>>> enough.
>> If I recall correctly, my modem is sort of like a router even tho it
>> only has one connection.  I read that somewhere.
> It probably works on a half-bridge mode.  

That sounds familiar.  I read somewhere that it blocks bad things pretty
well but I stuck a router in there since every once in a while I have a
2nd puter plugged in that needs internet. Just makes it a little more
difficult I guess. 

>> Then it came out again, printed on both sides.  When I realized it was
>> printing both sides, which will save a lot of paper and space in my
>> binder, I was in love.  I never could get a ink jet printer to do that
>> correctly.  ;-) 
>> Dale
>> :-)  :-) 
> Sadly mine doesn't, but it weighs less.  ;-)

I wasn't expecting it but it she was a nice surprise.  Makes me glad I
didn't switch to some other printer which may not have had that feature. 

Anyway, I'm happy.  I'm printing recipes and such at the moment and no
telling what all else will be printed before it is over.  May print a
photo just to see how well it does.  I think I saw somewhere that it
does 4800 DPI. 


:-)  :-) 

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