On Sat, Apr 27, 2019 at 11:28:05AM -0500, Dale wrote:

> One thing that surprised me.  I was printing a multi-page recipe and the
> first page came out, then it pulled it back in and I was like, what? 
> Then it came out again, printed on both sides.  When I realized it was
> printing both sides, which will save a lot of paper and space in my
> binder, I was in love.  I never could get a ink jet printer to do that
> correctly.  ;-) 

What’s the problem with first printing all odd pages, then reinserting the
sheets into the tray and printing all even pages? Granted, it is a manual
hassle, but that’s how I did it for all these years with my olde HP.

Gruß | Greetings | Qapla’
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“It strikes me now that all religions are as senile as one another.”
– John Tavener

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