On Tuesday, 24 September 2019 09:50:44 BST Peter Humphrey wrote:

> Right. After spending most of the last 10 days and some nights wrestling
> with the beast, I've got it fixed at last.

Except that I was wrong: I hadn't fixed it. I've just spent another two days 
with an unbootable system finding a real fix.

When this all started, a couple of weeks ago or so, bootctl remove & install 
threw a wobbler. It created two empty directories:
then wailed about not finding some data file and stopped.

Ever since then I've been trying to force the system back into the directory 
structure that used to work, and getting stung over and again.

This morning I decided to bend with the wind. I let bootctl create those 
directories again, then copied the latest kernel image into /boot/EFI/Linux/. 
On running bootctl install again, everything worked as expected. All I had to 
do was to adjust the boot order with efibootmgr.

I suspect I have a hardware problem, because the UEFI BIOS boot menu doesn't 
always show an entry I've just added, and it sometimes inserts a blank entry 
among the real ones.

For the record, here's the layout of /boot now:

# tree /boot            
├── 4eec63dc92f83de25e1e2e485d7f6536
├── config-4.19.72-gentoo
├── config-4.19.72-gentoo-rescue
├── config-4.19.72-gentoo-testsys
├── early_ucode.cpio
├── EFI
│   ├── BOOT
│   │   └── BOOTX64.EFI
│   ├── Linux
│   │   └── bzImage-4.19.72.efi
│   ├── systemd
│   │   └── systemd-bootx64.efi
│   └── TestSys
│       └── BOOT
│           └── bootX64.efi
├── intel-uc.img
├── loader
│   ├── entries
│   │   ├── 08-gentoo-4.19.66-rescue.conf
│   │   ├── 09-gentoo-4.19.66-rescue.nonet.conf
│   │   ├── 30-gentoo-4.19.72.conf
│   │   ├── 32-gentoo-4.19.72.nox.conf
│   │   ├── 34-gentoo-4.19.72.nonet.conf
│   │   ├── 40-gentoo-4.19.66.conf
│   │   ├── 42-gentoo-4.19.66.nox.conf
│   │   ├── 44-gentoo-4.19.66.nonet.conf
│   │   ├── 90-testsys-4.19.72.conf
│   │   └── 92-testsys-4.19.72.nonet.conf
│   ├── loader.conf
│   └── random-seed
├── System.map-4.19.72-gentoo
├── System.map-4.19.72-gentoo-rescue
├── System.map-4.19.72-gentoo-testsys
├── vmlinuz-4.19.72-gentoo
├── vmlinuz-4.19.72-gentoo-rescue
└── vmlinuz-4.19.72-gentoo-testsys

9 directories, 27 files

Here's hoping I won't have to go through that pain again for a while...


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