On Mon, 30 Sep 2019 11:06:17 +0100, Peter Humphrey wrote:

> This morning I decided to bend with the wind. I let bootctl create
> those directories again, then copied the latest kernel image into
> /boot/EFI/Linux/. On running bootctl install again, everything worked
> as expected. All I had to do was to adjust the boot order with
> efibootmgr.
> I suspect I have a hardware problem, because the UEFI BIOS boot menu
> doesn't always show an entry I've just added, and it sometimes inserts
> a blank entry among the real ones.
> For the record, here's the layout of /boot now:
> # tree /boot            
> /boot
> ├── 4eec63dc92f83de25e1e2e485d7f6536
> ├── config-4.19.72-gentoo
> ├── config-4.19.72-gentoo-rescue
> ├── config-4.19.72-gentoo-testsys
> ├── early_ucode.cpio
> ├── EFI
> │   ├── BOOT
> │   │   └── BOOTX64.EFI
> │   ├── Linux
> │   │   └── bzImage-4.19.72.efi
> │   ├── systemd
> │   │   └── systemd-bootx64.efi
> │   └── TestSys
> │       └── BOOT
> │           └── bootX64.efi
> ├── intel-uc.img
> ├── loader
> │   ├── entries
> │   │   ├── 08-gentoo-4.19.66-rescue.conf
> │   │   ├── 09-gentoo-4.19.66-rescue.nonet.conf
> │   │   ├── 30-gentoo-4.19.72.conf
> │   │   ├── 32-gentoo-4.19.72.nox.conf
> │   │   ├── 34-gentoo-4.19.72.nonet.conf
> │   │   ├── 40-gentoo-4.19.66.conf
> │   │   ├── 42-gentoo-4.19.66.nox.conf
> │   │   ├── 44-gentoo-4.19.66.nonet.conf
> │   │   ├── 90-testsys-4.19.72.conf
> │   │   └── 92-testsys-4.19.72.nonet.conf
> │   ├── loader.conf
> │   └── random-seed
> ├── System.map-4.19.72-gentoo
> ├── System.map-4.19.72-gentoo-rescue
> ├── System.map-4.19.72-gentoo-testsys
> ├── vmlinuz-4.19.72-gentoo
> ├── vmlinuz-4.19.72-gentoo-rescue
> └── vmlinuz-4.19.72-gentoo-testsys
> 9 directories, 27 files
> Here's hoping I won't have to go through that pain again for a while...

Are you setting UEFI to boot from systemd-bootx64.efi or from the kernel
image? If the former, you don't need a copy of the kernel in the ESP.

Neil Bothwick

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