On Sun, 23 Feb 2020 18:59:27 -0800, Ian Zimmerman wrote:

> In a desperate act to satisfy the ever increasing build space
> requirements for firefox and its kin, I'd symlinked /var/tmp/portage to
> a subdirectory of /usr/portage.  And webrsync does "rsync ... --delete
> ...", so now you see where this is going.
> Fortunately, as you say, the recovery was easy once I knew what went
> wrong.
> > You might consider moving the sync location out of /usr while you're
> > at it.  Also, if you haven't already done so get
> > /usr/portage/distfiles outside of the repo directory.  For new
> > installs both of these are moved to /var in non-nested directories,
> > but existing installs will continue to use their present locations.  
> But I already have a bunch of symlinks to juggle the space requirements
> and I would rather not revisit that, right now.  On my system /var is in
> the / filesystem and doesn't have that much space (less than the 8G
> necessary to build firefox).  At some future spring cleaning time,
> maybe.

There's no need for any symlinks, just set $PORTAGE_TMPDIR globally then
separate for greedy packages. For example, in make.conf I have


Then /etc/portage/package.env/firefox contains

www-client/firefox disk-tmpdir.conf

and /etc/portage/env/disk-tmpdir.conf contains


So I get faster tmpfs based builds for most packages and use a disposable
disk partition for the greedy ones.

Neil Bothwick

And if you say "No", I shall be forced to shoot you.

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