On 04/30 03:44, Andrea Conti wrote:
> Hi,
> That's all you need.
> > This could be the key. Sector sizes have been changing from 512 to 4096
> > over many years. If your kernel has been updated to expect/use 4096 byte
> > sectors, it might not be able to read the disk properly.
> Sector size is only a (fixed) property of a specific block device, not 
> something expected or required by the kernel.
> Sector sizes other than 512B have been around for ages without any problems, 
> even in consumer hardware (e.g. CDs and DVDs have 2KB sectors).
> > Disklabel type: dos
> > Device     Boot Start        End    Sectors   Size Id Type
> > /dev/sdb1           1 1953458175 1953458175 931.5G ee GPT
> That looks... broken.
> fdisk is recognizing the disk as MBR (a GPT disk would have "Disklabel type: 
> gpt"), but the partition table is a protective MBR, which makes no sense in a 
> non-GPT disk.
> My guess is that this disk was at some time partitioned with GPT (possibly it 
> came that way from WD?), but then it was only used in machines with no kernel 
> support for GPT.
> Such a machine will happily treat that as a normal MBR and allow you to 
> access the protective entry as a normal partition, which means you can create 
> a filesystem on it and fill it with data, destroying the GPT structures.
> A GPT-aware kernel on the other hand will recognize that as a protective MBR 
> and it will ignore it --but since the disk does not contain any valid GPT 
> structures, it will not show any partitions.
> Try running "gdisk -l /dev/sdb"; for a valid GPT disk it will say:
> Partition table scan:
>   MBR: protective
>   BSD: not present
>   APM: not present
>   GPT: present
> If that's not the case and you have no GPT, you will have to fix things 
> manually.
> Since the disk is only 1TB, there is no reason to use GPT at all, so your 
> best bet is to use fdisk to make that a standard MBR by changing the 
> partition type from 'ee' to '83'.
> andrea

Hi Andreas,

thank you very much for your analysis! :)

when doing a gdisk -l /dev/sdb I get this Rocky Horror Picture Show:

PT fdisk (gdisk) version 1.0.5

Caution: invalid main GPT header, but valid backup; regenerating main header
from backup!

Caution! After loading partitions, the CRC doesn't check out!
Warning: Invalid CRC on main header data; loaded backup partition table.
Warning! Main and backup partition tables differ! Use the 'c' and 'e' options
on the recovery & transformation menu to examine the two tables.

Warning! One or more CRCs don't match. You should repair the disk!
Main header: ERROR
Backup header: OK
Main partition table: ERROR
Backup partition table: ERROR

Partition table scan:
  MBR: protective
  BSD: not present
  APM: not present
  GPT: damaged

Caution: Found protective or hybrid MBR and corrupt GPT. Using GPT, but disk
verification and recovery are STRONGLY recommended.
Disk /dev/sdb: 1953458176 sectors, 931.5 GiB
Model: Elements 25A2   
Sector size (logical/physical): 512/512 bytes
Disk identifier (GUID): BCA95A74-1E0A-4648-9971-20ED4049CAE5
Partition table holds up to 128 entries
Main partition table begins at sector 2 and ends at sector 33
First usable sector is 34, last usable sector is 1953458142
Partitions will be aligned on 2048-sector boundaries
Total free space is 1953458109 sectors (931.5 GiB)

Number  Start (sector)    End (sector)  Size       Code  Name

"fix manually" scares me...especially because I have no place for
1TB of an image file to with which I can experiment ...

Any ideas which could ease my burden and to un-scare my 
"need to fix it manually" ??? ;) ;)


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