On Sat, Sep 05, 2020 at 07:24:28AM -0500, Dale wrote:
> Some sites, not many tho, have a printable version.  Gentoo for example
> has that.  Another common type of site, recipes.  I've seen a few that
> don't have printable versions but most do.  Other than that, you are
> correct.  This is why I often save a web page, then use copy and paste
> to put the content in LOo Writer.  At that point, I edit the thing until
> it looks like I want.  Most sites, once you know what to remove and
> where they are, you can edit a page in just a few minutes. 

There's a great extension for Firefox (and I'm sure equivalents  exist  for  all
browsers supporting extensions) allowing  you  to  cherry-pick  and  remove  all
"dirty" content (advertisements, multimedia, silly CSS, etc.) before printing. I
have used [1] for quite a while  now,  and  it's  proving  excellent.   It  also
supports saving to a PDF or HTML file, which is  a  nice-to-have  considering  I
prefer printing to a physical device via lpr.

There are quite a few other extensions which  perform  very  similar  functions,
although watch out for ones that send  the  site  to  an  external  service  for
cherry-picking, such as [2].

[1] https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-TW/firefox/addon/print-edit-we/
[2] https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-TW/firefox/addon/print-friendly-pdf/


Ashley Dixon

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