My system will not boot.

I installed sys-power/acpid  and wanted to double check the kernel 
I run: genkernel --menuconfig all
The ACPI option was enabled so I exit the menu but it started to compile the 
kernel so I press CTRL-C (to stop it).

Upon rebooting the X will not start no root login, just a screen with login:
"joseph (none)" 

I bootstrap the PC and run:  genkernel --menuconfig all 
and finish compiling, and I get a message:
* Kernel compiled successfully!
* --no-bootloader set; Skipping bootloader update ...
* Required kernel parameter:
*       root=/dev/$ROOT
* Where $ROOT is the device node for your root partition as the
* one specified in /etc/fstab

What went wrong?

Here is my fstab:
LABEL=boot              /boot           vfat            noauto,noatime  1 2
UUID=d32946b3-2236-4998-80dd-68b7d78e0c7b       /       ext4    noatime 0 1
LABEL=swap              none            swap            sw              0 0

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