On 12/11/2020 07:07 AM, the...@sys-concept.com wrote:
>>> I bootstrap the PC and run:  genkernel --menuconfig all
>>> and finish compiling, and I get a message:
>>> -------------
>>> * Kernel compiled successfully!
>>> *
>>> * --no-bootloader set; Skipping bootloader update ...
>>> *
>>> * Required kernel parameter:
>>> *
>>> *     root=/dev/$ROOT
>>> *
>>> * Where $ROOT is the device node for your root partition as the
>>> * one specified in /etc/fstab
>>> ---------------
>>> What went wrong?
>>> Here is my fstab:
>>> LABEL=boot        /boot        vfat        noauto,noatime    1 2
>>> UUID=d32946b3-2236-4998-80dd-68b7d78e0c7b      /    ext4    noatime   
>>> 0 1
>>> LABEL=swap        none        swap        sw        0 0
> Now, when I boot I get a message:
> Block device UUID=d32946b3-2236-4998-80dd-68b7d78e0c7b is not a valid
> root device.
> I did not change anything in /etc/fstab

blkid /dev/nvme0n1p4
/dev/nvme0n1p4: UUID="d32946b3-2236-4998-80dd-68b7d78e0c7b" BLOCK_SIZE="4096" 
TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="rootfs" PARTUUID="17f9927c-a792-41fc-bff3-a50c420ee616"

So why boot can not find "/" partition ???

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