Neil Bothwick wrote:
> On Thu, 17 Feb 2022 01:42:39 -0600, Dale wrote:
>> P. S.  Is there a tool to make the USE line in make.conf in alphabetical
>> order or something?  When I add things, I try to put them in order so it
>> is easier to find them.  For some reason, they are out of order, a lot. 
>> Something at some point messed up my organizing, badly.
> emerge --info shows the flags in alphabetical order, whatever their order
> in make.conf. It lso shows all flags, including those set b the profile,
> so you can see exactly what portage is using.
> -- Neil Bothwick Deja Foobar: A feeling of having made the same
> mistake before.

Now that is cheating big time.  Why didn't I think of that?  Now they
back in order.  I been cleaning up my USE line in make.conf.  I think
some flags I added ages ago were only used by a few packages but are in
wide use now, and I don't always need them.  So, I edit, run emerge
-auDN world to see what blows up.  Edit again, run emerge and repeat.  I
think I'm on about the 10th repeat now.  Slowly cleaning things up. 

I love the sig on this one.  How is it that thing knows which to pick? 

Thanks for the cheat, I mean tip.  Hit the nail on the head. 


:-)  :-) 

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