Hi.  I have been using various clients to connect to my sendmail
server using port 587 and using starttls to encrypt the connections
and then using the plain mechanism to send the user name and password
to authenticate.

Last day or so this has stopped working -- I don't know that I changed
anything (famous last words), but I do see the following if I run
saslauthd -v
saslauthd 2.1.28
authentication mechanisms: sasldb getpwent pam rimap shadow
but I have in my Sendmail.conf file in /usr/lib64/sasl2
pwcheck_method: saslauthd
allowanonymouslogin: 0
allowplaintext: 1
 log_level: 3
  and this seems to be why if I run sendmail at a high enough loglevel
  I get the message saying
  authwarning: no mechanisms.

So, after all that, anyone have an idea as to how to fix?


Your life is like a penny.  You're going to lose it.  The question is:
How do
you spend it?

         John Covici wb2una

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