On Thu, 05 May 2022 12:52:45 -0400,
Grant Taylor wrote:
> On 5/5/22 10:39 AM, John Covici wrote:
> > saslauthd is running, but it seems to ignore the Sendmail.conf .
> I think it's the other way around.
> Sendmail is told to support authentication via one or more
> methods, one of which can be SASL and co.
> The actual SASL auth daemon just listens on a unix socket and /
> or TCP port for clients to test authentication pairs, returning a
> pass fail type message.
> > I used openssl s_client to connect to my sendmail, it was happy
> > with the certs, but in response to the ehlo gives me no auth
> > line at all.
> :-/
> > Very strange.
> Very annoying, definitely.
> I don't know if it's strange yet or not.  I think the strangeness
> will be confirmed or refuted after finding out why Sendmail isn't
> offering AUTH options.
> My favorite thing to turn to when things that used to work and
> now don't is to restore a backup of the configuration file and
> compare them.  Can you do that with your sendmail.cf or
> sendmail.mc file?
> There's also a chance that it's your submit.cf or submit.mc file
> since we're talking about the MSA on port 587.  (Unless you
> aren't using the separate MSA which has been standard for 15+
> years.)
I do have a submit.mc file, but I have not changed this at all.  What
is strange to me is that if I do saslauthd -v should not I get
everything that my Sendmail.conf has?

I can check an old backup and see if I have one for my sendmail.mc and
get back.

Your life is like a penny.  You're going to lose it.  The question is:
How do
you spend it?

         John Covici wb2una

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