Frank Steinmetzger wrote:
> Am Sun, Apr 16, 2023 at 05:26:15PM -0500 schrieb Dale:
>>>> I'm wanting to be able to boot something from the hard drive in the
>>>> event the OS itself won't boot.  The other day I had to dig around and
>>>> find a bootable USB stick and also found a DVD.  Ended up with the DVD
>>>> working best.  I already have memtest on /boot.  Thing is, I very rarely
>>>> use it.  ;-)
>>> So in the scenario you are suggesting, is grub working, giving you a
>>> boot choice screen, and your new Gentoo install is not working so
>>> you want to choose Knoppix to repair whatever is wrong with 
>>> Gentoo? 
>> Given I have a 500GB drive, I got plenty of space.  Heck, a 10GB
>> partition each is more than enough for either Knoppix or LiveGUI.  I
>> could even store info on there about drive partitions and scripts that I
>> use a lot.  Jeez, that's a idea. 
> Back in the day, I was annoyed that whenever I needed $LIVE_SYSTEM, I had to 
> reformat an entire USB stick for that. In times when you don’t even get 
> sticks below 8 GB anymore, I found it a waste of material and useful storage 
> space.
> And then I found ventoy:
> It is a mini-Bootloader which you install once to a USB device, kind-of a 
> live system of its own. But when booting it, it dynamically scans the 
> content of its device and creates a new boot menu from it. So you can put 
> many ISOs on one device as simple files, delete them, upgrade them, 
> whatever, and then you can select one to boot from. Plus, the rest of the 
> stick remains usable as storage, unlike sticks that were dd’ed with an ISO.

My current install is over a decade old.  My /boot partition is about
375MBs.  I should have made it larger but at the time, I booted CD/DVD
media when needed.  I didn't have USB sticks at the time.  This time, I
plan to make some changes.  If I put Knoppix and/or Gentoo LiveGUI in
/boot, it will be larger.  Much larger.  Mark's idea is best tho.  If I
can get Grub to work and boot it. 

I'll look into your link more.  It sounds interesting but can't figure
out exactly how it works.  May check youtube for a video.  Should clear
up the muddy water. 


:-)  :-) 

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