Mark Knecht wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 17, 2023 at 2:41 AM Wols Lists <
> <>> wrote:
> >
> > On 17/04/2023 02:14, Dale wrote:
> > > My current install is over a decade old.  My /boot partition is about
> > > 375MBs.  I should have made it larger but at the time, I booted CD/DVD
> > > media when needed.  I didn't have USB sticks at the time.  This
> time, I
> > > plan to make some changes.  If I put Knoppix and/or Gentoo LiveGUI in
> > > /boot, it will be larger.  Much larger.  Mark's idea is best tho. 
> If I
> > > can get Grub to work and boot it.
> >
> > If you dd your boot partition across, you can copy it into a larger
> > partition on the new drive, and then just expand the filesystem.
> >
> > So changing partition sizes isn't a problem if you want to just copy
> > your system drive onto a new disk.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Wol
> I'm not sure I'd use dd in this case. If he's moving from an HDD with
> a 4K block size and a 4K file system block size to an SDD with a 16K 
> physical block size he might want to consider changing the filesystem 
> block size to 16K which should help on the write amplification side.
> Maybe dd can do that but I wouldn't think so.
> And I don't know that formatting ext4 or some other FS to 16K 
> really helps the write amplification issue but it makes sense to
> me to match the file system blocks to the underlying flash
> block size. Real speed testing would be required to ensure reading
> 16K blocks doesn't slow him down though.
> Just a thought,
> Mark

I still haven't got around to partitioning the drive or anything so I'm
glad you mentioned the block size.  I need to try and remember that.  It
may detect it itself but may not.  I'd rather fix it now than wish I did
later on.  I assume that setting is in the man page. 

Thanks for that tidbit.  Now to remember it.  :/


:-)  :-) 

P. s.  It's garden time for folks around here.  I been busy the past few
days.  Tractor and tiller too.

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