On 9/23/23 14:04, Dale wrote:

As most everyone knows, I redone my NAS box.  Before I had Truenas on it
but switched to Ubuntu server thingy called Jimmy.  Kinda like the
name.  lol  Anyway, Ubuntu has the same odd transfer pattern as the
Truenas box had.  I'm not sure if the problem is on the Gentoo end or
the Ubuntu end or something else.  I'm attaching a picture of Gkrellm so
you can see what I'm talking about.  It transfers a bit, then seems to
stop for some reason, then start up again and this repeats over and
over.  I'm expecting more of a consistent throughput instead of all the
idle time.  The final throughput is only around 29.32MB/s according to
info from rsync.  If it was not stopping all the time and passing data
through all the time, I think that would improve.  Might even double.

Has anyone ever seen something like this and know why it is idle for so
much of the time?  Anyone know if this can be fixed so that it is more
consistent, and hopefully faster?

I found a similar pattern when I checked some time ago, while transferring big (several Gb) files from one desktop to the other. I concluded the cause of the gaps was the destination PC's SATA spinning disk that needed to empty its cache before accepting more data. In theory the network is 1Gb/s (measured with iperf, it is really close to that) and the SATA is 6Gb/s so it should not be the limit, but I have strong doubts as how this speed is measured by the manufacturer. As indirect confirmation, when I switched the destination disk to a flash one the overall network transfer speed improved a lot (a lot lot!).


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