On 10/7/23 08:09, Peter Böhm wrote:
Am Samstag, 7. Oktober 2023, 08:28:01 CEST schrieb Valmor de Almeida:
-> mount /dev/nvme0n1p4 /mnt/gentoo
mout: /mnt/gentoo: can't read superblock on /dev/nvme0n1p4.
Maybe we need to dig a little deeper. Maybe you are using LVM (or have an
encrypted root partition; or both).
No LVM, and no encryption.
-> dmesg
nvme nvme0: controller is down; will reset: ....
nvme nvme0: Does your device have a faulty power saving mode enabled?
EXT4-fs (nvme0n1p4): unable to read superblock
I am still able to boot with the old kernel 6-1-41-gentoo.
Does this mean I may have a hardware problem with the NVMe drive?
I dont think you have a hardware problem because with 6.41 you have no
It seems like it:
-> smartctl --health /dev/nvme0n1
smartctl 7.3 2022-02-28 r5338 [x86_64-linux-6.1.41-gentoo] (local build)
Copyright (C) 2002-22, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke, www.smartmontools.org
SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED
For me the following questions would arise:
a) How did you install the kernel 6.1.41 ? (genkernel; dist-kernel; manual
1) portage sync
2) make oldconfig in the new kernel directory for linux-6.1.53-gentoo-r1
• Mitigations for speculative execution vulnerabilities
Mitigations for speculative execution vulnerabilities
Remove the kernel mapping in user mode (PAGE_TABLE_ISOLATION) [Y/n/?] y
Avoid speculative indirect branches in kernel (RETPOLINE) [Y/n/?] y
Enable return-thunks (RETHUNK) [Y/n/?] y
Enable UNRET on kernel entry (CPU_UNRET_ENTRY) [Y/n/?] y
Enable IBPB on kernel entry (CPU_IBPB_ENTRY) [Y/n/?] y
Enable IBRS on kernel entry (CPU_IBRS_ENTRY) [Y/n/?] y
Up to here default is picked automatically; I don't have a choice.
Next, I have tried with and without accepting the NEW features.
Mitigate speculative RAS overflow on AMD (CPU_SRSO) [Y/n/?] (NEW)
Mitigate Straight-Line-Speculation (SLS) [N/y/?] n
Force GDS Mitigation (GDS_FORCE_MITIGATION) [N/y/?] (NEW)
3) make menuconfig
4) make && make modules_install
5) make install
6) grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
7) reboot
b) Did you make any kernel configuration changes in your 6.1.41 ?
no; I use what is in /boot
-> ls /boot/
config-6.1.41-gentoo grub/ System.map-6.1.41-gentoo
config-6.1.53-gentoo-r1 lost+found/ System.map-6.1.53-gentoo-r1
c) Do you use a bootmanager ? (which ?; grub, refind ?)
I use grub-2
* sys-boot/grub
Latest version available: 2.06-r9
Latest version installed: 2.06-r9
d) How did you update to 6.1.53 ? (every step)
-> revdep-rebuild --ignore
-> emerge --depclean
-> eclean distfiles
-> eclean packages
-> emerge @preserved-rebuild
-> emerge --sync
-> etc-update
-> env-update
(run a script to source profile)
-> emerge -vp --update --newuse --deep --tree --with-bdeps=y @world
check conflicts etc., fetch files, then run without -vp
To better understand your system, I would look at the output of
"parted -l" (complete),
"dmesg" (complete),
"lspci -k" and
"emerge --info"
(after you have booted 6.1.41).
To clarify all this here via the mailing list might be difficult; therefore I
would suggest to create a thread in our Gentoo support forum:
I will give it shot.
(I am there also; but we have also a lot of great experts there)
If you create a thread in our forum, then please use wgetpaste for big files: